How to Trust Men so you Can Experience Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Trust Men so you Can Experience Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Michelle Roza

One of the top things we hear from successful, driven, passionate women like you, is that they have a hard time trusting men. 

Can you relate? 

Have you been hurt, lied to or had your dreams shattered by someone you thought loved you?

Perhaps your parents got divorced or someone betrayed you as a child – and you’ve struggled trusting others ever since.

Then there’s all the Tinder Swindler and Dirty John reality shows and documentaries about the men who are scamming, lying, and cheating and when all of that’s out there – how can you feel that you can really trust a man?

We know this is all there for you and we also know that if you desire a relationship where you feel safe, trust must be present. 

Trustworthy men are out there and you deserve to be loved by one of them – now! 

So where does trust begin?

Real trust comes first, from truly trusting yourself to make the choices in your life that will lead you to where you want to go.

You can only trust others to the extent that you trust yourself. It starts from within.

  • Lack of self-trust leaves you feeling disempowered and afraid
  • It impacts your ability to be vulnerable and truly connect. 
  • It makes true intimacy impossible. 
  • And when you can’t trust yourself, life becomes a lot more scary than it actually is! 

Whether you’re looking for a love that will take you around the world, bring you children and an expanded family or simply love and support you in your already amazing life…

You want extraordinary love with a wonderful man who’ll be the best match for you and all of your hopes and dreams.

If this is what you want – Join us this Thursday for an Encore Presentation of the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

The truth is – when you don’t trust yourself, what chooses for you isn’t really you.

What chooses instead, are your fears. 

Your thoughts that you’re not good enough… 

The fear of ending up alone forever… 

Remembering all the “wrong” men you’ve attracted in the past and disbelief that anything will ever be any different.

Thinking you’ll be taken advantage of like you were before… 

When these are the thoughts swirling around in your mind it’s debilitating and life and love feel scary. 

So how do you break through these fears and begin to trust you again? 

  1. Acceptance. First you get to accept yourself and everything about your past.

    If you allow your past to determine your future you’ll always feel like you have something to prove, like there’s something to overcome, like you have to work to not become your mother or make the same mistakes you’ve already made.

    Your past doesn’t have to define you, tell you who you are or let you know what you can expect of your future.


  2. Forgiveness. Second, you get to forgive the version of you that chose the painful experiences of the past so you can heal and move forward.

    You get to remove the emotional charge behind the memories so that they no longer have power to influence your present and future.


  3. Clarity. After you’ve healed your past you can stand powerfully in who you are in the present. Then, and only then, can you be clear about what you want for your future.

    Once you have crystal clarity around what it is that you want to experience in a relationship, you’ll be able to stand for the man and relationship you want instead of settling for whatever’s there. 

It’s incredible what opens up when you’re able to accept and love yourself fully!

When you know what you want and can be yourself without reservation you feel happier and more comfortable with yourself because the real you is showing up! 

Your intuition becomes stronger and you’re more and more able to be powerful in life and love making the decisions that are right for you quickly and without reservation or doubt. 

You’re able to attract the type of men that you WANT to be with, who will be deserving of your trust and commitment and that want to be with the real you too! 

If that’s something you want, then join us Thursday for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In this special, encore presentation of the fun, interactive workshop, you’ll: 

  • Break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships
  • Tap into your Irresistible Essence so you can easily attract and keep the man for YOU!
  • Discover how to manifest the life and love your heart desires so you can create the happy, loving relationship you want NOW

Join us this week in commemorating the LAST Valentine’s Day you’ll spend without the love of your life! Click HERE register for this free event!

Once you register, you’ll receive love coaching messages so you can be on the road to experiencing Extraordinary Love NOW!


See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel like you keep repeating the same thing over and over again when it comes to dating and relationships?

Does it seem like you keep meeting the same man in a different body – and no matter how good it might seem in the beginning, it always ends the same way?

Do you have the same argument week in and week out with your boyfriend or husband? 

If you feel like you keep getting the same results – and you can’t figure out why – it’s likely there’s a dysfunctional pattern that’s running you! 

 The incredible thing about seeing and understanding your dysfunctional patterns is that once you do – you access the power to break through them! 

 And once you do that – you’re free to choose.

Below are the top 3 dysfunctional patterns that come up for women in love and relationships. While these may not be yours, keep reading because you may have a version of one of these! 

  1. The MOST common dysfunctional pattern in relationships – and what most other dysfunctional patterns come back to- is not trusting yourself. 

Do you overthink things, ruminate,  question your decisions or put them off?

If so, you have a dysfunctional pattern of not trusting yourself.

This pattern is developed at a young age when you do something that you thought was right and then get reprimanded for it. The little girl inside of you is still living in the decision of “When I think something’s right – it’s wrong” and you stop trusting yourself. 

Analysis paralysis is exhausting! Plus, every time you doubt yourself, you chip away a little bit more of your confidence.

2. The 2nd most common dysfunctional pattern is attracting the wrong men.

If you’re attracting the wrong men, there’s something energetically part of your belief system about what you think you deserve.

You might think that “someone” is better than “no one” or “better than the last guy” and it has you stay in something that’s not what you really want.

3. The 3rd most common dysfunctional pattern is that you have a hard time being vulnerable in relationships.

You hide and don’t dare show people who you really are.

You try to appear confident and end up coming off arrogant, entitled, or guarded. 

 So how do you overcome these dysfunctional patterns and unleash the confident, assured version of yourself?

How do you begin to trust yourself so you can attract the type of man you deserve and create the relationship with him that you dream of?

You have to break through your fears!

Underneath every dysfunctional pattern is a fear created from an experience from your past and a moment where you decided you couldn’t have what you really want. 

Here’s the thing.

We’re 23 days into the New Year and if those 23 days haven’t felt different for you – then you need to join us for the Love Vision Intensive happening next weekend, February 3rd-5th, 2023!

At this 3-day deep-dive event, you will uncover YOUR specific dysfunctional patterns, where they came from and break through them once and for all so you can begin to create the love that’s meant for you NOW! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket to the Love Vision Intensive NOW!

You’ll walk away from this event saying, “ I know I can have the relationship I want in 2023!

We know how powerful it is to overcome the fears and patterns that are holding you back in love and begin to experience more than you ever thought possible. 

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is standing in your way of creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Are there self-sabotaging tendencies and patterns that are causing your love life to not move forward like you’d like it to? 

If so, are you getting frustrated, angry or hopeless? 

The frustration you feel that things aren’t happening like you’d like can manifest differently for different people. 

Maybe you feel angry – thinking that all men are jerks, dating sucks, and online dating will never lead you to a good man.

Perhaps you feel sad and hopeless – thinking that it’s never really going to happen for you, so why even try? Which leads you to wanting to give up. 

If that’s what you’re currently experiencing, it’s important to look at how often those feelings show up, not just in your love life, but in every aspect of your life, because that’s going to give you the clues to what you need to shift.

So, how do you make the relationship of your dreams happen now

First, you have to get crystal-clear on what you want to experience in that relationship

Notice that we didn’t say, get crystal-clear on what you want the man to be like or what  you want to get out of the relationship.

It’s about the experience you want to have! 

When you focus on what the man is like – if he has kids, what his career is, what he looks like, etc – it causes you to focus outside of you and to give up your power to create what you want It feels like there is this “one specific person that must exist” in order for you to be happy, and that has you giving your power away. 

When you focus on the experience you want to create, it’s not about looking for “one person” so that you can have the relationship you want, it’s about creating something that another person wants to be part of creating with you!

What do you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams?

Do you want to experience….

💕 laughing

💕 understanding

💕 calm communication

💕 affection

💕 soul-level intimacy

💕 fun

💕 respect

💕 unconditional love

💕 having a best friend and someone championing you in life

💕 feeling heard

💕 travel the world

💕 adventures

💕 honesty and faithfulness

The second thing you need in order to begin experiencing the relationship of your dreams is to have the skills to create your crystal-clear vision

You may say you want a cheerleader and best friend as a partner in life, but then you spend time protecting yourself and criticizing every man that comes along.

You may say you want to have fun and adventure, but then don’t want to spend time meeting new men on the app.

See the disconnect? Fear is standing in the way of you attracting what you want.

How do you recognize that there’s a fear that’s running you?  

That’s where we come in!  

A coach will tell you when and where you’re sabotaging yourself.
A coach will support you in seeing what you can’t see. 

We will show you the fears you have and the masks you may be wearing that are blocking you from having the love you want. 

AND, we’ll teach you how to get those Love Barriers out of the way so that you can begin experiencing the love, happiness, and intimacy you desire and deserve!

We will cause you to have a breakthrough!

If you’re ready to have a breakthrough so you can actually start experiencing the kind of love  you desire, then join us tomorrow, Saturday, July 17th at 12pm ET for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you?

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

When you don’t have the conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back, all you can do is what you already know to do. And if you keep doing what you’ve always done – all you can hope to experience is what you’ve always had.

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do differently so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams… starting right NOW!!!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you having a hard time getting over a past relationship? 

When thinking about that past relationship, do you find yourself thinking…

“But I still love him.” 

…“I really thought he was the one.”

…“How will I know I’m choosing the right man next time, when I was wrong this time?”

We hear these things from women all the time, and if you’re in this position right now, we’re here to tell you (with love)… It’s time to let it go!

If you’re still energetically connected to someone, whether you say you are or not, then it’s really difficult (if not impossible!) for someone new to come into your life. 

And, even if you do meet someone who you’re compatible with, the chemistry’s there, and you have a great time with him, it will still feel like something is off

It’s simply not possible to create something new and lasting if there’s something in the space that you haven’t let go of. 

If you’ve been “getting over someone” for 9 months, 2 years, 12 years, 40 years (gasp!), it’s time to get curious about why you feel as if you’re not able to move on. 

What’s really keeping you stuck?

Sometimes it’s the person and the past relationship you feel you can’t let go of.

Sometimes it’s the idea of the past relationship that you’ve glorified in your mind that’s keeping you stuck.

But, more often than not, it’s the fear that you won’t be able to feel the same way you felt about that someone again, and you’re afraid to let go and even try. 

Here’s the thing… 

You have to find the courage to let go of the past in order to move forward and create something new. 

The work there is to do is to accept what actually happened in the past relationship and complete it so that you can be present in current experiences, move forward and be happy NOW!

You don’t have to let go of the love you had/have for that person. You can choose to love him forever, if you want to.

What you do need to let go of is the attachment to being with him and having him be a part of your life… even if that part is only in your head. 

We believe there are people that come into our lives to teach us things or give us experiences that we need to have. 

When you can accept that a past relationship was simply that, and you are able to release it and move forward, that’s when magic starts to occur.  

Letting go and moving on from someone doesn’t have to take a year OR years!

When you make yourself the victim of someone else’s choices, it robs you of your power and you sacrifice: 

  • Having happiness now
  • Experiencing the relationship of your dreams now
  • Attracting the man that will love you fully and completely for the rest of your life
  • And everything else your heart desires

When you stop allowing someone else to determine whether or not you get to have the relationship of your dreams, you take back your power and you begin to attract men who are right for you now

If you’re ready to let go of your past and move forward into the love you dream about then let go of one hand and join us next Saturday for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you!

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

We know you aren’t staying stuck on purpose, but without knowing these steps, you are playing trial and error with your heart, causing yourself unnecessary heartache, and we want you to get unstuck now!

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams!!!

How to Overcome the Fear of Getting Hurt

How to Overcome the Fear of Getting Hurt

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you have a fear that you will be hurt or rejected? 

If you don’t, you must be superhuman, because as human beings, we all deal with this!

The real question is:  Is that fear running the show?
Is that fear causing you to hold back in relationships or keeping you from creating one altogether? 

It doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship, this message is for you!

It’s a common misconception that, once you get into a relationship, that fear of rejection or of getting hurt goes away, but that’s just not true. The fear of hurt or rejection can be holding you back from creating deep, intimate connection, either way. 

Here’s how it works. 

You have fears that something will or won’t happen in the future because of something that did or didn’t happen in the past. 

Fear is running the show if it causes you to react in a certain way that is a coping mechanism for not getting hurt. 

This may look like withdrawing from your partner or pulling back. 

It may look like being paralyzed and feeling like you can’t do or say anything because of your fear that it will go badly. 

It may look like pretending, acting as if everything is fine, when, actually, you’re feeling scared inside.

Here’s how it looks for me.

My previous marriage was not a happy marriage. The relationship brought out the worst in me and I was often critical, loud, snappy and impatient. 

I remember how I would feel every time I’d come home and put the key up to the door to open it. Each time, I would stop and feel my chest tighten as I wondered what I was about to encounter on the other side of the door. I’d just hope that today might be a good day. 

My fear of being alone caused me to stay in that unhappy relationship.  I would stay quiet and pretend that everything was fine, and then I couldn’t really understand what was real and what I really wanted. 

Fast forward to now. 

I’m in an extremely happy and fulfilling relationship, but I’m still human. So during times when I may be sleep deprived or extra busy, those qualities of being critical, snappy or impatient can come out and my fear rears its ugly head. 

My fear is that if I allow those qualities that I don’t like in myself to come out – and sometimes they do – then I won’t be loved or I’ll begin to recreate the relationship I had with my ex.

Your fear may be feeling like your feelings won’t be validated, fearing you’ll be used or get hurt.

When fear is running the show you feel powerless, and that’s not the way we want you to feel!!

So how do you overcome these fears? 

First, you need to recognize it and acknowledge it. 

What is it that you’re afraid of that’s stopping you from having the relationship you want to have? 

Your fear is impacting you whether you acknowledge it or not, so you might as well bring it to light. 

Then ask yourself:- If I was standing outside this fear and standing in my power, who would I be that would allow me to make a different choice? 

When I recognize myself in the space where those undesirable qualities come out and I feel the fear coming to the surface, I ask myself that question. 

I acknowledge the fear and step forward to own it. I take responsibility for anything I may have said to Arnie that I didn’t really mean, and I apologize so that I don’t go back to allowing that old fear running the show and hurt my relationship. 

I know that I’m a powerful woman, and that I get to choose how I feel and behave. When I apologize, I open up the space in our relationship for intimacy and love to be present again. 

The truth is: You can either be run by your fears or run by your ability to choose a different experience. You get to choose.

It can take a little bit of effort to get to the bottom of these fears, which is why we’re so excited to invite you to the Irresistible Woman LIVE virtual live event!

This 3-day, highly interactive, and transformational live virtual event for smart, successful women who want to overcome their fears in love once and for all is one of the fastest and most effective ways to uncover what’s been getting in the way of you having the happy, loving, deeply connected relationship your heart desires!

We’ve changed the dates to October 23rd-25th, and this year,  it’s going to be better than ever! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket NOW!

Once you transform something, you don’t go back to it. Take this opportunity for yourself to overcome the fears that are holding you back in love and relationships!

Click HERE to grab your ticket NOW!

It’s Time to LET GO of Your Past Relationship!

It’s Time to LET GO of Your Past Relationship!

by Gladys Diaz

I want you to ask yourself a question, and I invite you to be 100% honest with yourself as you answer…

Are you still holding onto a past relationship?

The reason I ask you is because I was speaking with someone earlier this week who has spent almost a year completely consumed with the ending of her relationship.

She is having trouble focusing, working on her business, and it’s beginning to impact her health and friendships.

Now, I want you to know.  This is not a “weak woman.”

She is a strong, successful woman who knows herself to be powerful and is not afraid of facing challenges.

Still, when it comes to this heartbreak, it’s been hard to get over what happened, let go of the pain, and move forward with her life.

The thought of opening her heart and trusting someone new feels terrifying, and, while she really does want to be in a loving relationship, she just doesn’t know if she is ready to do that yet.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I know how hard it can be to let go of a past love and even consider the thought or possibility of loving and being loved by someone new.

The fear of having your heart broken again may actually be stopping you from even admitting that you want a relationship.

So, you throw yourself into your work.

You tell yourself you’re “okay” with being single.

You do anything and everything to avoid interacting or connecting with the opposite sex.

Or… you go to the other extreme and have a lot of casual, dead-end “micro-relationships” with men you know are not interested in anything other than “hanging out” or hooking up.

You try not to feel.

There is a natural grieving process after a breakup, and that is something Michelle and I help women with all the time so that they are moving forward in a healthy and self-nurturing way.

However, if you are resisting moving forward, pretending that you are “over it,” or you really do feel as if you can’t let go of your ex or the relationship, then it’s important that you learn how to let go of the past and all of the pain so that you can open up your heart and life to receive the love of a man who truly does want to love you for a lifetime.

If this is you and you are ready to at least explore the possibility of letting go of an old relationship and opening up to receiving the right one, then we have opened up our calendar for the next couple of days to help you do just that.

CLICK HERE to take your first step in letting go and moving forward.

On this call, we will discuss where you are at in the letting go processdetermine which Love Barriers are stopping you from moving forward, and give you the best next steps you can take to let go and move forward, toward the love that is already waiting for you.

It’s time to let go.  You know it inside.  And it’s okay that this scares you a bit.

The good news is that you don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to support you.  Let us help you take a step toward the love and happiness you deserve and desire!


Grieving after a breakup is part of the process, but so is letting go.  If you’ve been holding onto a past relationship and you’re just not sure how to move forward, let’s talk, and let us help you take one step at a time toward the love and happiness your heart desires!